456 Choice

After sending away all the supercats that wanted to leave, those that were left over included those who were originally there. There were approximately 50 of them, inclusive of Ares and the rest.

It was much more manageable to take care of them. The supercat which was hidden by Faceless and had life preserving abilities was among them.

As he looked at him gaming on the xbox with a serious expression, Zhao Yao felt like he was staying put in the extradimensional belly for the games.

Speaking of which, the ability of this supercat seemed to be the most effective among those under the control of Faceless. It was a spotless defence as all attacks could be directed to beneath his feet. As long as his feet were placed on something, he would not get hit. It was no wonder that Faceless hid him.

After sending off the supercats, Zhao Yao appeared beside Faceless. He looked at Faceless expressionless.