Terror Strikes

In an apartment in Tokyo, posters, magazines and newspapers were thrown over a low cabinet. They were various monster movie posters.

Kaede Hattori sat in the living room and looked at his right hand. Strands of red light solidified and were molded into different shapes.

Ever since he started filming horror movies and decided to act in them, Kaede Hattori could feel his terror energy growing rapidly. It was improving at an unprecedented speed.

Compared to the past where he survived on the Japanese supernatural realm's fear of him, now he could garner so much more.

"Divine Rays of Terror have improved again." Kaede Hattori's eyes narrowed and the red light crystallized. It fell on to the floor with a crisp sound.

"It can already solidify. Even if I use it to intervene in reality, it does not consume as much energy. That's incredible."