Cruelty and Making Money

The tail, full of bone spurs, looked alive as it jumped around after landing on the ground. Then it jumped to Maine Coon's legs, where it merged with his body.

Project X patted Maine Coon's head and said gently, "It's alright. This man has some abilities. It is normal if you are defeated."

Kaede Hattori ignored the Maine Coon and turned to look at Project X, who had come out of nowhere. He said grimly, "What… kind of a creature are you?"

He felt strongly oppressed after seeing this half-human, half-feline creature, like a rat seeing a cat or a little chicken encountering a wolf.

Kaede Hattori, who possessed the Divine Rays of Terror, felt an instinctive fear.

Meow!!! Even Sakura, who was at his feet, purred with apprehension, her fur standing up.