Cleaning Floor And Keeping Cats

After Yellow Mud's encouragement, Milk Tea cleaned the floor diligently.

After cleaning for a while, he lifted his head puzzled and asked, "What's happening? I remembered I cleaned here before. Why did it get dirty again?"

A few minutes later, the clean floor tiles were dirtied with paw prints. Milk Tea was frustrated and said, "Who is the mean culprit? Didn't they see that it was wet? And they still stepped on the tiles wilfully?"

Milk Tea pouted his lips and followed the trail of black paw prints. He saw a ruffled Matcha, looking like a refugee, sprawled on the ground and hugging a pail of water. Matcha spat out his tongue and drank like he had not drunk for days. He looked like he had been raped by many people.

Matcha said viciously, "Those people thought they were smart and yet I escaped. I will rest for a while before I bring some cats over to wreck their place. Let's see if they dare gang up against me."