
Zhao Yao turned around and looked at Cat Sage and Roly Poly. "Have you guys figured out what their powers are?"

Roly Poly stood up and reported to Zhao Yao. "I have communicated with Cat Sage. According to what he saw, those guys have powers like ice body, mind reading and ability to neglect… These are the powers they showcased. After all, not all of them showcased their powers.

Except for electric shock collars and tranquilizers, they don't have other special powers neither did they poison the cats."

"Yes." Zhao Yao nodded. "Have you tried to talk to Matcha?"

Roly Poly pursed his lips and said, "I tried to chat with him privately but I can't wake him up."

Zhao Yao shook his head in exasperation. "This fellow."

Then, the alarm went off. Fish Ball was shining red.

"He is here?!" Zhao Yao shouted immediately. "Elizabeth! Hurry!"

"I know!" Elizabeth nodded and activated her illusion. All the Dimension Portal and models disappeared.