Speed is the best attack

Speedy felt that he was thrown into the depths of the Earth. There was a violent force crushing him that immobilized him. If his body hadn't turned into ice, he would have died.

Then, Matcha zoomed across the sky. One of his paws grabbed Speedy's head while the other paw slapped Speedy incessantly.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

With every slap, Speedy's head would twist, shatter and spray ice chips all over.

Speedy raged and his arms turned into two ice spears. He stabbed Matcha fiercely, only to see Matcha tense his muscles and the ice spear shatter.


To his astonishment, two red lights shot out of the orange cat's eyes and hit Speedy. In a few seconds, they evaporated all the ice below Speedy's head.

Speedy was horrified. Although he would not die because of his powers, the thought of only having a head was too terrifying. He desperately tried to grow out his body but every bit of ice that was regenerated was evaporated by Matcha.