
Matcha walked out of the Cat Wonderland depressed. He thought to himself, "What should I do? The abortion is going to hurt and I am a male cat. Where is the baby going to come out from?"

"From behind?" Thinking of that Matcha was alarmed.

"From the front?" Matcha was shivering in his heart.

"Damn it! Do I need to cut my stomach open?"

Matcha did not know that his situation was because of powers, he did not dare to tell anyone either.

Of course, Zhao Yao did not know about the accident with Matcha too. He would not tell the cats what happened to him either.

So, Matcha did not know that the state of his body would be returned to normal and that the fetus in his body would go back in time and return to being part of his body.

Matcha was thinking to himself, "Maybe I can ask Zhao Yao or Elizabeth to cast illusion on me so I can ignore the pain…"