
On earth, the Americans were invincible.

Therefore, after Zhao Yao made the threat, most Americans were first infuriated then they were curious.

They were infuriated that someone had challenged their country and they were curious to see if there was a change in the White House.

Meanwhile, when the female reporter got bored at the scene and looked at the camera man beside her. "Tom, do you think we'll catch a big story?"

The camera man laughed, "How can it be Claire? Don't you know how powerful the White House troops are? Even if they faced transformers, they would be beaten into pulp."

Claire looked disappointed. "Then, am I not wasting my time?"

Tom said, "Not necessarily. Maybe some people will come over to cause trouble. Throw eggs or crash a car. Then, you can do a live report."

Suddenly, Tom saw that Claire looked astonished and he turned around to look at the White House too. Then, he was startled.