Adoption and Completion

The moment Matcha crawled onto the bed, he saw Yellow Mud lying on it and an orange little kitten sleeping soundly sprawled all over a small cupboard box on the other side.

Upon seeing Matcha appear, it seems as though several black dots went past Yellow Mud's head. He looked at the fur Matcha was wearing and thought to himself: "What is this guy doing?"

Matcha went up to the little orange kitten, he first sniffed around, then tried to listen to it and felt that nothing is wrong. He turned around to ask Yellow Mud, "Yellow Mud, is he alright?"

Yellow Mud answered, "Eat and sleep, then sleep and eat. What can be wrong? Anyway, how is this kitten related to you?" He looked at Matcha with a face of suspicion and said, "He looks a bit like you."

Matcha's body stiffened up as he immediately said, "What are you talking about? All cats look alike. There's no such thing as alike or not. I picked this cat up!"