Evolution and Games

Zhao Yao came back to Cat Wonderland and wanted to activate the evolution.

He chose to complete the task and watched the mission panel for the collection of meteorite fragments disappear. There was an additional evolution panel on top of the basic mission panel, diamond hall, and lucky draw.

Zhao Yao clicked on it and realized that he had already signed a contract with 8 cats. Matcha, Elizabeth, and Ares were all included.

He chose Matcha and saw an evolution button. He pressed the button with anticipation and saw a line of red words.

"Level is insufficient. Unable to activate evolution."

Zhao Yao was stunned and then he noticed the small line of words behind underneath. Evolution can only be activated when Level 10 is reached.

"It has to be Level 10?" Zhao Yao was glad that he did not spend his experience points randomly. He took a look at the panel.

BOOK: Level 8 (70207/100000)

Matcha: Level 8 (13010/50000)