Two Months Later

The young man trembled slightly. The next moment, the young man spontaneously drew a dagger from his side and raised it in the air, about to stab it right into his heart.

However, right before the dagger penetrated his skin, Zhao Yao gently pressed on the dagger and said softly, "Don't move."

Looking at the young man who stood rooted to the ground, not moving an inch at all, Zhao Yao thought to himself, "He would even abide if I tell him to commit suicide? My superpowers are really quite scary."

After five minutes, the Faceless Monsters turned back into their original forms. The remaining apostles did not dare to continue staying at the place. They supported their comrades and hastily escaped. Their impression of Cat Island was now nothing but an extremely terrifying place, a place they would never want to come back to ever again for the rest of their lives.