
The burly man brought Zhao Yao to a small room in the great hall. On the table was a piece of shiny black scarf.

The burly man explained, "This is the Sacred Scarf weaved from the fur sheddings of Lord Wheatley. It contains Lord Wheatley's residual power of awareness. If you are able to receive it, it will prove that you have the potential of a cat slave. The more you receive, the higher your potential."

"Oh, that's how…" Zhao Yao thought. "The previous elder knew that aspiring cat slaves had to register in the Frosted Teeth City but did not know the detailed procedures. The cat slave potential should be similar to the Earth's apostle potential. I don't think I have this potential. No, the Earth's apostles could not directly receive power of awareness or detect the presence of power of awareness. This should be the exclusive potential of the Short Fur Tribe's human…"

"Anyway, I'll have a try."

Zhao Yao said, "What should I do?"