Start of School

The next morning, the Extradimensional Belly was abuzz with activity.

The supercats ran hurriedly to eat breakfast, clean their feet, and wash their faces.

"Quick! Hurry up!" Roly Poly shouted, "This is the first day of school. Nobody's to be late."

"Wah!" Rice Cake cried as she hugged a scratching board and wailed, "I don't want to go to school!"

Cheese said, "Let's go Rice Cake. If Zhao Yao sees you like this, he's going to be unhappy."

Rice Cake wailed louder, "Why should kittens go to school?"

Cheese consoled her, "Don't cry Rice Cake. School's fun and you'll get to know other kittens. It's fun to play together…"

"You kidding me!" Rice Cake grabbed onto the scratching board for her life and wailed, "Ooooo! Fish Ball told me yesterday that he rather die than to study in elementary school. He said there's no playing in school and they serve horrible food!"

"Fish Ball, what are you doing? Get down immediately!"