God's Gift

Two weeks ago.

In London, England.

In the grand luxurious hall, a black-haired youth laid on the sofa.

His right hand touched his chin while his eyes surveyed the place in front. Five cats and five men knelt on the ground and trembled.

"I, Sebastian, the successor of Europe's oldest, richest and most influential family.

Since birth, I knew I was different from the rest."

"I'm different from those commoners."

They had to work extremely hard to obtain certain things. They had to pay with tens of years and even their lives for the things but I could easily obtain them with a single word.

That was fate. The rules were set since the day they were born.

99.99% of the Earthlings were ordinary people.

I was destined to be God since I was born.

Everything on Earth, beautiful women, exotic wines, fortunes worth more than a country and dreams that took a lifetime to achieve, I was able to obtain with ease.