Cats Conference

Zhao Yao looked at Bai Quan, tilted his neck and said, "Uh? What happened?"

The cold sweat on Bai Quan's head continued to drip as he said, "Hmm… They suggested a pay increase, more resting days, 1 hour work day and new contracts…"

Zhao Yao said, "Did you agree to their terms?"

"I rejected their unreasonable requests," Bai Quan said, "And they went on a strike."

"Strike?" Zhao Yao flicked his finger and the air at the point of the finger let out a shrill sound. He said slowly, "Who's the leader?"

Bai Quan said, "It's… Roly Poly…"

A huge rented conference hall in Jianghai.

The supercats were moving around in a tight group and the heads bobbed in the sea of cats.

A huge picture of Zhao Yao was displayed in front of the cats.