Body Fusion And Getting Stronger

Project X was stunned by Kunwu's question. He was about to activate his superpower as he felt a strong desire to kill her.

He suppressed his urge and smiled at her. "Kunwu, what nonsense is that?"

Kunwu looked at him and said, "Don't lie, Project X! I've observed you for a long time. You should understand that we share a mysterious link."

Project X was silent as numerous thoughts flashed through his mind on how to counter Kunwu's questions. He smiled embarrassed and said, "Nutcase, I can't be bothered with you. I'm leaving…"

Seeing Project X leave in a hurry, Kunwu tried to bite his head. Project X flashed and swung his paw at her while Kunwu swiped her paw at him.

The two paws collided and both cats felt a cold shiver and a sense of strange familiarity.

"This cat has a special link with me." Project X thought, "Why? I'm the only alien cat that was deployed on Earth."

He felt a strong attractive force coming from her body.