Level Upgrade And Skill Selection

The more Zhao Yao looked at the two skills, the more he liked them. He did not know how he would die with these two skills.

The skills complemented his cautious style of combat.

Zhao Yao covered his chest and told himself repeatedly, "Don't be complacent, don't be complacent. There are a lot of powerful alien cats. You've to be humble."

After calming down, Zhao Yao looked at Sphynx cat' skill tree and chose the skills according to his previous plan.

The first skill was the Level 7 Body Toughness that increased Sphynx cat's training effectiveness. The next skill was the Level 8 Blood Modification which allowed training to modify the blood such that ingesting food would make the body tougher.

Zhao Yao used the last skill point to select two Level 10 skills.

One of the skill was Steel Body which allowed the body to be passively trained. The harsher the environment, the better the training effect.