Fantasy Card Advertising

If one wanted to learn about fantasy card advertising, the best place to go was the most bustling commercial street of Eastern Shang-Wei City – Golden Street.

Golden Street was one of Eastern Shang-Wei City's most ancient streets. It already existed before Eastern Shang-Wei City was established, and by then it had also become the commercial center for the whole city. Among the forest of buildings along Golden Street, people flowed like the shuttles of looms, and practically all of the top business establishments had one of their stores there. If one were wanting to inspect fantasy cards, that would be the perfect place to be.

All the stores there, even the small ones, had fantasy card billboards. Especially at night, the beautiful radiance from the fantasy card billboards made it seem like being in a childhood fairy-tale world. Whether locals or tourists from elsewhere, everyone really liked the night scene on Golden Street.