As Soon as You Get Up, Make a Card Show!

Chen Mu shook his head, "I haven't done a thing for a while." During this 'while', he was working hard digesting basic theory about the token card. 

"So, what have you been busy with these few days?" It seemed to Copper that he had heard something utterly inconceivable. He sat up and looked at Chen Mu. He understood his friend well. He didn't goof off, which is to say that he didn't even have the concept of playing in his head. In Copper's head, Chen Mu seemed like someone who had never known fatigue, had never known being fed up, who put his heart and soul into making progress in his study of fantasy cards, while basically falling well short in any efforts to make progress toward having a good youth. 

Yet today he heard Chen Mu unexpectedly say that there had been a time during which he didn't touch a fantasy card. How would that not make him surprised?

Chen Mu was silent and didn't say a thing. He didn't know how to explain what had happened.