The Unwinding Game

To tell the truth, the unwinding game wasn't really any fun. The demands on explosive strength from the game were high, since you could only free yourself from the windings of grass if you had powerful burst strength. The crux of the problem was that it was in water; never mind strength, it wasn't easy even to stand still there.

Chen Mu was very suspicious that the person who made the card had deliberately added the word 'rewards' just to lure people in. Otherwise he was afraid that almost no-one would persist in playing such a dull game.

Over and over, he gave out bursts of strength, which really used up his energy. He was already out of breath after a few rounds. This was the result after he had so vastly improved his conditioning after practicing those exercise gymnastics. If it were before that, he wouldn't have been able to free himself even from the lowest-grade strands of water grass.