Bai Zheyuan

Chen Mu felt that if he were to gather up all of the problems he'd completed while he was doing them, it would seem that he could compile a "One-Star Fantasy Card Problem Set" volume. Chen Mu only chose to do the ones which were unusual, and which addressed a variety of aspects. Some of them he couldn't even understand, and he would have no choice but to skip those.

Some day if he had the time, it wouldn't be a bad way to pass the time to come down there specifically to solve problems. 

"For you." Came a woman's voice from beside him, when a bottle of water and some steamed buns appeared in front of him.

Chen Mu was surprised at first, though that was followed by his neglected hunger bursting right back out.

"Thanks." Chen Mu wasn't looking to see who it was, and wolfed it all down.