Surrounded by Peaks on a Winding Road

The scene was pandemonium. The bombshell that the Aminia Group had tossed out clearly knocked dizzy the mixed but generally not so well-off crowd of low-grade card masters. The rest of the company leads were just then looking at Wu Tuan with a mixture of admiration and jealousy, since they all knew that they were destined to fall into a supporting role that day.

The lead for the Victoria Company, Pei Hang, was also feeling very unfortunate. His experience was much richer than that of Wu Tuan, and he knew that those there were the most professional low-level card masters if you were considering the ability levels of low-grade card masters. The card masters among the firms may have been able to make higher level fantasy cards, but if you wanted to make the most gorgeous, dazzling, and inexpensive fantasy card, that place was the best choice.