Entering the City

Outside of Eastern Shang-Wei City, Chen Mu couldn't help asking, "Are we going to go in looking like this?" The demonic woman had done some strange things with his face, immediately changing his appearance to someone else. He was still young, but he bore no relation to the way he looked before.

He now had a sallow face, which looked a little sickly, with sunken eyes. The demonic woman had put some kind of yellow fruit into Chen Mu's mouth to produce the look. The waxy yellow wasn't something applied on the surface, but was reflected on his whole body, which was all now the same kind of waxy yellow. But Chen Mu didn't feel any discomfort, and his body hadn't been harmed.

That kind of shape changing technique was amazing. That creation of An Xiaoyou's would be considered the dregs in comparison, without any practical value.

"I am mute." The demonic woman used an awkward pronunciation which made Chen Mu want to laugh."