A Bitter Battle

Daniel was patrolling in the air above Eastern Shang-Wei City. Ever since big brother Yu was killed, he'd been doing it every day. He knew that it wasn't doing any good, but he needed to do something, something for brother Yu. He had been cultivated by brother Yu, and all of his skills and his present position were because he'd been boosted by brother Yu.

Big brother Yu felt closer to him than his own brother, such that his only aspiration then was to avenge him. Nothing else mattered, not girls and not money.

He really wanted the revenge!

In the evening's vast darkness, he was looking down at the light coming from advertisements, which stitched some splendid brilliance through the dark city. The wild mountain range far away lay like a huge beast, silently watching them.

Daniel really knew how to use his jet-stream card and was able to fly around intuitively at high speed.