The Slightest Difference

Hong Tao was feeling pretty good having discharged his responsibility. Walking along the street, he activated his communications card and called Zuo Tingyi.

When he saw the serious look on Zuo Tingyi's face, he had to laugh, "That's an ugly expression, Tingyi."

Zuo Tingyi made no response, but said very directly, "If you have something to say, say it."

"Ha ha." Hong Tao smiled, pleased with himself, "There's finally a little progress with Tang Tang's fiery mayfly."

Zuo Tingyi's expression softened a little, apparently because of hearing something about Tang Tang, although he added something which really pissed off Hong Tao, "You've become a little bit less efficient than you used to be."

Hong Tao was really angry as he stared at Zuo Tingyi, "If you say it's so easy, why don't you do it yourself. Hrumph, I should have known to let you make the 'mud fish' jet stream card yourself, instead of going through so many people."