The Ning Household

Chen Mu very safely left the station, mixed up in the crowd. The station exit was a ball of confusion, with panicked crowds everywhere, making the scene of thousands upon thousands running out through the exits quite a spectacle. Chen Mu was insignificant among them, with no one paying any attention to him.

He sighed to himself since he didn't know how many innocent people might have lost their lives getting mixed up in the chaos. He felt gloomy, not having realized that the situation would become so chaotic. While there would still have been pandemonium, no-one would have been killed If the apparatus hadn't exploded on that card artisan that he had killed. If the ones killed had been those card artisans, he wouldn't have felt bad at all, but when it spread to these innocent travelers, he felt very sorry.

He quickly got rid of all those extraneous thoughts, and strode away, quickly departing from the station exit.