The Swordfish’s Reward

Chen Mu was surprised and gathered up all his things. He looked all around to be sure that there wasn't anything to attract someone's attention before opening the door.

"May I ask if you are Mr. Chen Mu?" Outside the door was a heavily made-up and showily dressed-up pretty woman. Bright red short hair stood on her head like flames, and all her clothes were overstated. She was like all the models around Copper, casual beauties with spitfire dispositions.

She was a bit taller than him with a body full of curves, and she seemed to be deliberately pushing out her impressive breasts, standing in front of Chen Mu with a stunning presence.

But Chen Mu didn't care about her body, as he struggled to keep his calm look to cover up the astonishment he felt. He had never mentioned his name from the start, and now that beautiful woman just opens her mouth and says his name. This could only mean one thing, that they had thoroughly checked into his background.