The Raining Shuttles Card

Algoradicci was looking through the goods listed in the current issue. Each of those in the building could receive a one-star fantasy card each week, within which was a detailed listing of all those things sent for sale on consignment that week. Algoradicci was a card artisan without great ability, but he had a lot of interest in dealing goods.

He had a good eye, and so he always dredged up good stuff. He bought low and sold high, and although he only dealt in that small market, a lot of fortunes rose and fell there in that building, and he'd grabbed a lot of contribution points for himself.

He would always be waiting right on schedule for the detailed list to be delivered to his door, so that he could be the first to read it and see if there was anything which really stood out.

He carefully browsed through each item. The fantasy card was exquisitely made, and it included extremely life-like representations of every one of the goods.