Deep Variations

It could be seen from the pen strokes on the card that the card master had extremely rich experience making cards. One could only form such fine and precise lines after becoming thoroughly tempered.

The pen strokes in a composition would sometimes show the card master's style. For instance, the first feeling that this card gave Chen Mu was of precision, with nothing being the slightest bit off, like dialed-in precision. In comparison, the mysterious card gave Chen Mu a kind of vast and broad feeling.

Each card master was different from the others, and the cards that they make are naturally different as well.

Will's control of perception was too weak to bring all that card's power into play. Even though it was only a three-star card, it's real power went far beyond what he had demonstrated.

Chen Mu inserted the bipolar thunderball card into his apparatus and activated it. He shut his eyes, feeling carefully for the energy changes in the apparatus.