The Best Breath Control (II)

Just as Bo Wen was about to question himself, Chen Mu executed a fish-flop, carving a marvelous trajectory in midair like a fish belly. That was also a highly skilled midair tactical maneuver having a difficulty level of 70. Bo Wen was utterly dumbfounded.

Multi-level tactical maneuvering refers to combining several midair tactical maneuvers into a coherent whole. If there were two such maneuvers, they would be called double-level tactics, and if it were to include three, that would be called a triple-level tactic by analogy. Although Bo Wen wasn't a close-combat card artisan, he still had some basic understanding. If a double-level set of tactical maneuvers included two maneuvers with a difficulty level of 60, then the level of difficulty for the overall set would be far more than a single maneuver at the level of 70. So, most of the card artisans who deployed multi-level tactical maneuvers only included several simple and very low-level midair tactical maneuvers.