Li Duhong

The three of them were sitting beside a small lake, since finding water was something you had to do first in the outer reaches. All three of them looked haggard and ashen, with the cleanest being Bo Wen who would wash his face clean every day, having a certain standard of cleanliness.

Chen Mu and Bo Wen hadn't been talking all along, having nothing to say.

Bo Wen presented a few small animals, swinging them in front of Chen Mu. Chen Mu didn't change his gaze as he pulled out his heating card to start a fire. The heating card could directly heat food, but to save power they would gather sticks for a fire.

The flames soon leapt up. Chen Mu started to skin the prey, which he was pretty good at after a few days.

He finished very quickly and put the prepared animal on the spit to roast. Cheng Ying, who had been gathering berries nearby, hadn't yet returned which put a frown on Chen Mu's face, since she should have returned by then.