The Gummy Cloud

By the time Chen Mu had rushed over, he found that all the important people of the village were there. Bo Wen and Cheng Ying had also been invited. They both seemed somewhat puzzled, not seeming to know what was going on, while everyone else looked grave.

Seeing Chen Mu arrive, the clan elder looked all around and then slowly began to speak, "The reason I've asked you all to come is that I have something to discuss. We have already determined that the gummy cloud layer has recently become unsettled."

The meeting room was deadly silent, with all the villagers looking ashen. Chen Mu and the three of them looked at one another, not know what the so-called gummy cloud layer referred to.

Bo Wen quietly coughed, "This is the first time I've heard of the gummy cloud layer, and I wonder what it really is?"