The Encounter

"It can't be used anymore." Wei-ah was looking at the burnt-up flying device at his feet, speaking without expression.

The flying device certainly could penetrate the gummy cloud layer, but there was still a flaw in its design. It would eventually overheat because of the friction in the gummy cloud layer. Although Chen Mu had thought about it as hard as he could, it had already reached its limit. But, Chen Mu was glad it was already the fifth day. It was a pretty tall requirement to even be able to fly at high speed for five days in such a device made of metal. The shuttle cars of the federation would only end up trapped in the gummy layer with no way to budge.

"The city should be to the northeast." In the moments before the flying device dropped, Chen Mu had vaguely made out a city in the distance. Although it was still far away, he didn't need to worry about security, having such a super bodyguard as Wei-ah.