What Does He Want to Do?

The transfer had been accomplished very quickly. Within half an hour, everyone in the entire building knew they had a different boss. All the employees stopped their work. It was undoubtedly a bolt out of the blue for certain employees. The Lewin family wouldn't be considered a grand old family; however, for those who had been under their protection for many years, the Lewins were their sky.

Now, the sky had suddenly been changed. Even the ones who remained calm had no way to look nonchalant about it. They employees all looked concerned, and there was enmity in the gazes from some of them toward Chen Mu and Wei-ah. Some other employees had gathered in the corner to quietly discuss the matter among themselves, shooting glances at Chen Mu and Wei-ah every once in a while.

Cleo very cheerfully made the public announcement, and then he handed over all the materials regarding Heaven's Wings to Chen Mu before walking off, arrogantly unconcerned.