What Will it Be?

A girl off to the side who was good at reading tone and body language hastily said, "If you require a high-level card, we can have one custom made for you. Our affiliated card masters are all mid-grade and above, so you can rest assured about anything they make."

"Can I sell on consignment here?"

A look of disappointment flashed across the young lady's eyes, though she still presented a professional enough appearance. "You can, though you must pay ten percent of the price in commission. But, if you were to become a card master affiliated with this shop, you would only have to pay a six percent commission."

Chen Mu nodded that he understood, bade his farewell to the card salesgirl, and then left with Wei-ah. He'd only wanted to check out the situation since he didn't have any suitable cards on hand for sale.

They had returned to Heaven's Wings by midday.