Wei-ah Style Training

"The ten fiery dragon cards you left on consignment have been sold out. From 800,000 Oudi overall, minus 80,000 Oudi, leaves 720,000 Oudi. Please check your account."

The message that had popped up on his apparatus made Chen Mu immediately happy. Just as he was saying he had no money on hand, the money came, which would make anybody happy. He couldn't help but feel that it really was a big city with the cards selling so quickly. Somehow, all ten of the three-star cards at 80,000 apiece had sold out in a day's time. What amazing speed.

Chen Mu wondered if all the mid-grade card masters around there were rich as he remembered again when he was making one-star power cards. Now he was making more in a day than it used to take him a year to make. Knowledge really was money; Chen Mu finally understood the saying more deeply.