A Fierce Battle

The black-suited man in front of her was suddenly diverted by a powerful lateral force on his extended body floating in midair, and he flashed into the space between the buildings. The battle maneuver was very abrupt, and Butchie was nearly caught unprepared as she uttered a chill grunt and rose up in hot pursuit.

She felt pent-up frustration from her chest. Her adversary's move was too abrupt! She put a huge force on her body as she powerfully changed direction herself. Her move also revealed her intentions.

Without any hesitation, the black-suited man responded with five wavy blades in his raised hand. The five silvery wavy blades left stunning, glowing trails, which stung Butchie's eyes with their silvery flash. What awed her still more was that the five wavy blades were scattered all over, nearly sealing off any angle for escape.