A Chaotic Battle

The chief uncle's expression suddenly changed while he was in high-speed flight, as did everyone else's. His face went swiftly dark as he signaled for the ranks to speed up.

Just then, the masked man's eyes flashed, and Butchie's expression changed. The rest of the card artisans were shocked too. Without anything needing to be said, all of them sped up, and the entire platoon silently flew toward the energy fluctuations.

Wei-ah suddenly raised his head as his gaze went out the window.

While Chen Mu was transmitting the data to the system, he stopped what he was doing and looked out the window in some alarm.

What powerful energy fluctuations! They could likely only come from a large-scale battle. Who would dare so brazenly to do battle in the city? Chen Mu furrowed his brow. The bout of fluctuation was quite close—not more than 2,000 meters away.