Are You Getting Sprung Too?

Lu Xiaoru slowly walked out of the flames looking pretty bad with her whole body showing burns. The destroyed red evening gown had long since turned to ash, though she didn't care about any of that as she walked out of the flames completely naked.

Her face was distorted as she ground her teeth and looked at the orange energy cloak.

"You damned jerk, to make me so miserable! This time I'll be giving you a taste of what it means when living is worse than dying!"

Her voice was full of hatred and satisfaction. But, the energy cloak surrounding her body had reached its limit, and it dissolved into the air with a pop.

Then, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and lightly choked her.

"Don't move." It was a very light, calm voice, though with some chill to it. It sounded like it still had some of the particular tenderness of youth.