Medical Card Artisans

Chen Mu wasn't so certain he could lift it either. He had only taken a glance at it. He also didn't know where Wei-ah had run off to. There was only himself and Lu Xiaoru. What she had said wasn't wrong; if the little girl didn't receive critical care, it would be very dangerous. All of the medical card artisans were exceptionally busy, and none of the security card artisans had any leisure either. The scope had spread so far by that time that the rescuers were like a cup of water on a blazing fire.

But, that young girl's situation couldn't drag out any longer.

His state wasn't bad that day, and what he'd clarified by his probe was that although there were piles of bricks and stones on the beam, it was actually hollow in the center. After some calculation, he chose the safest spot from where he could exert the most force. He didn't need to completely lift the beam; he only needed to raise it a little bit. Lu Xiaoru could then pull the little girl out.