The Checkup

The first time Sue Lochiro had seen Chen Mu, he and Lu Xiaoru were rescuing that little girl. She watched the entire process of Chen Mu's rescue. It was hard to imagine there could be someone with the strength to lift such a heavy metal beam under his own power alone. She had been very surprised. It would be hard to find anyone whose strength had developed to that point. She was a medical card artisan and would be naturally more concerned about such things.

For a bystander like Chen Mu to rescue the wounded made that kind-hearted medical card artisan well disposed toward him.

She was really surprised Chen Mu and Lu Xiaoru would come looking for her. When she'd asked Chen Mu for contact information that day, he had declined at first. That let her know roughly what kind of person he was. That was the first time she'd been declined when asking for contact information.