Fascinating Compositions

After the materials had been sent over, Chen Mu quickly discovered a problem. Having squeezed in 20 more people, plus the materials, the little five-floor was getting more and more crowded. The Heaven's Wings employees were working on the first floor.

What Bogner had said wasn't wrong, after all; the defensive capabilities of the building were really deficient. If anyone were to try a high-powered attack from a distance, such as from a siege-style, highly destructive attack card, the building could likely be blown to bits with one hit. The people inside would have no way to survive.

Those kinds of large-scale battle cards weren't widely used and were seldom seen in card shops. It was a rather specialized card with a slow firing frequency. Some of the cards could only be used once before turning to scrap. But no other card could match their terrifying lethality or the stunning power they had always brought into play during a battle.