Preparing for War (I)

Bogner was still sighing when they returned to the base. Who would have thought Faya's methods would be so ruthless? No wonder Faya's style of doing business had always been so controversial. That was saying something when even such people as Bogner or Chen Mu, who had gone through quite a few battles, or the rich, whose lives were so superior, could feel chilled by it.

The apparatus on Chen Mu's wrist suddenly sounded. It was the fatty. Could something have happened?

The fatty's expression didn't look good on the screen, and he opened by saying, "Things are not going so well, young brother! A troop of card artisans from Faya has just attacked a station of the Federation Comprehensive Academy, and there were heavy casualties!"

From the side, Bogner and Chen Mu looked at one another.

Seeing Chen Mu's expression, the fatty immediately realized something might have happened. He asked in a sinking voice, "What's up?"