More Wonderful Than a Great Dream

Bogner and Xi Ping had been waiting for a while. Chen Mu and Wei-ah's operation that day had a high degree of danger, and they were worried. They hadn't told Jiao Si about it for reasons of secrecy.

The two of them were a little dumbstruck when they saw Chen Mu. They saw him with a backpack strapped to his chest and a suitcase that was half the size of a person on his back, along with a woman over his shoulder. He looked like some thief returning with his booty. Wei-ah looked a lot better, though he also had a half-person-sized suitcase on his back.

Seeing them, Chen Mu walked quickly into the meeting room. He walked past Xi Ping while ordering, "Call Lu Xiaoru over." Bogner and Xi Ping looked at one another before following. Xi Ping opened his communications card as he was walking.

Entering the meeting room, they saw two huge suitcases on the table, along with a backpack and a woman—an unconscious woman.

A really beautiful woman!