Wang Ze’s Determination

Among those under Chen Mu were Lu Xiaoru, the bar-browed man, Crow Feather, Happy Padding, and Lucky Xi. They had been making the fastest progress—especially Lu Xiaoru. Her strength had been somewhat beneath that of the bar-browed man, but ever since Chen Mu had explained the secrets of the sound beam card to her, the increase to her strength had been the most rapid.

Among all of them, only she had gotten that treatment. All the others had had to hone their skills with their cards by themselves.

The bar-browed man was an exception. Chen Mu hadn't made many changes to his card, but the guy was a thoroughgoing battle genius. Especially in the circumstance of training with so many aces, his abilities surged rapidly. Of course, the other important reason was that Wei-ah seemed to have taken a shine to him and had occasionally been giving him a few pointers.