Those Poor Trackers

The situation for the novices was really awful, and there were already quite a few injuries. Lu Xiaoru and the 20 card artisans had become life savers. When they saw someone wounded, they would immediately go to save them. Sue Lochiro became the busiest on the entire team as she shuttled quickly among the wounded. Her technique was stunningly nimble. Even Bogner, who had always been so demanding, couldn't help but show a fair amount of appreciation.

For the team to have a high-level medical card artisan greatly reduced their losses due to injury. Without the distraction of such worries, the novices could finally muster their courage. The cadence of the attacks gradually fell into their hands. The wolf pack was suffering heavy casualties. Bogner stood coldly at the rear and didn't inject himself into the front lines of the battle. As he saw it, that sort of small-scale battle didn't require his involvement.