Getting on the Right Track

While he skimmed through what was on the screen, Bogner introduced the place. "This is Chilei's general headquarters for the card artisan activity centers. It provides nearly every service related to a card artisan, such as assessment and advancement, the study of card artisan skills, and so forth. It's also a comprehensive platform where there are large numbers of freelance card artisans, which is why I came here to recruit. In addition to the commissions announced and taken here, they also have the most advanced training field in Chilei and the largest card artisan shopping center in the city." He then lowered his voice to say, "But this doesn't have anything better than the black market. They only dare sell above-board things." After that, he added, "And, the prices are very high."

Looking around, Bogner brought everyone to a service desk.

The girl attendant wore a professional smile. "Greetings. How may I serve you?"