Fierce Faya!

Not only were there a lot of parts in the pile, but all sorts of different types were involved. Chen Mu was reluctant to allow 600 million Oudi worth of parts to be piled there like rubbish. He was figuring out how he might make use of them.

So, Chen Mu was sitting in the middle of that 600 million worth of parts, frowning in hard thought.

* * *

"We've finished bringing them all together, big brother," Yi Song cautiously reported to Wen Zuofu.

"Mmmm, good job." Wen Zuofu's face was like deep water, showing no emotion. He suddenly said, "Has there been any sign of activity with the House of Qiao?"

"They've increased their level of alert. For the time being, we haven't detected any further activity," Yi Song responded.

"Has the Snow Silkworm Card Artisan Firm set out yet?"