The Transformation (III)

Bogner's return certainly had a calming effect on the base, which had just survived a great battle. Returning with Bogner were 82 card artisans.

Chen Mu could tell with one look that those card artisans had been fundamentally changed since he had last seen them. He was already familiar with the air of having being baptized by battle and could see it immediately.

Among the 82 card artisans, 42 were card set card artisans, and the remaining 40 had been recruited by Bogner previously. Bogner had recruited 80 in total, but only 40 were left. That was definitely a cruel number.

Bogner's unshaven face was covered with frost. When he saw Chen Mu, he couldn't hide the joy on his face. Approaching swiftly, he saluted at once. "Boss!"