Deep Layers of Serenity

"Gold-mottled liquid-soft fungus? Why are they interested in that?" Mobley found it strange.

Ah Zhe gave a handsome shrug. "Who knows? Maybe they feel like they've made a lot lately and wanted to buy something to make up for it! Ha ha!"

Mobley shook his head. "That couldn't be. It's not that you haven't seen that gang; they're not that short-sighted. Furthermore, they certainly know the value of the gold-mottled liquid-soft fungus, which can't even be bought with money."

Ah Zhe remained as aloof as ever. "What does that have to do with us? They only came to us for some information. Yikes! Isn't this a waste of the time we could use picking up girls?"

Not understanding Ah Zhe's annoyance, Mobley said after thinking it over, "Ask around. If we don't do a good job with the first thing they ask us to take care of, this ally of ours will have no way to relax. We need to put on a little display of our power."